Why do i keep getting styes with eyelash extensions?

Dry eyes, stye and infection. “In an effort to protect them, you may end up not doing the natural cleaning you normally would,” says Yu.

Why do i keep getting styes with eyelash extensions?

Dry eyes, stye and infection. “In an effort to protect them, you may end up not doing the natural cleaning you normally would,” says Yu. This means that dirt or bacteria that are trapped in eyelash extensions may not be removed as they normally would, allowing them easy access to the eyes. Eyelash extensions can cause cross-contamination and the formation of styes.

That's why it's essential to never give eyelash extensions to a customer with a stye. You don't want to transfer the eye infection to another customer. Eyelash extensions, when done correctly, should only touch natural lashes and should never cause a stye. If a person has an allergic reaction, they should remove their eyelash extensions.

They should also avoid wearing eyelash extensions in the future and use mascara instead. An allergic reaction to eyelash extensions is similar to other contact allergies, also known as contact dermatitis. The following are the most common types of eyelash extension infections you may notice and their symptoms. The Barber and Cosmetology Board recommends that people with certain conditions or risk factors avoid wearing eyelash extensions.

Eyelash extensions generally replace the use of mascara, so a person can use mascara instead to achieve longer, fuller lashes. For some people, eyelash extensions can cause an allergic reaction or cause other eye health problems. To avoid an allergic reaction, they recommend using formaldehyde-free products and avoid washing your face for a few hours after applying eyelash extensions. If a reaction occurs, the person should remove the eyelash extensions and seek treatment as soon as possible.

Roxanne Fava
Roxanne Fava

Lifelong web maven. Certified tv fan. Incurable web aficionado. Passionate coffee evangelist. Hipster-friendly food junkie. General bacon buff.