Can your eyelashes still grow with eyelash extensions?

Eyelash extensions, when done correctly, will never affect the growth rate or future growth of eyelashes. Following these steps to keep eyelash extensions looking fresh and prevent natural hairs from pulling out will ensure eyelash growth and health.

Can your eyelashes still grow with eyelash extensions?

Eyelash extensions, when done correctly, will never affect the growth rate or future growth of eyelashes. Following these steps to keep eyelash extensions looking fresh and prevent natural hairs from pulling out will ensure eyelash growth and health. The use of suitable eyelash extensions does not influence the growth cycle of natural eyelashes. When you put on eyelash extensions, the cycle continues normally.

Since each eyelash extension is connected to a natural eyelash, extensions fall out in the same cycle as natural lashes. If a customer asks, “Will my lashes grow back after eyelash extensions? You can assure them that their eyelashes will continue to grow even with the extensions on. It's all part of the eyelash growth cycle. The rate at which eyelashes will grow back will vary from person to person, but they will grow back even if they have been damaged.

Eyelashes grow back to their natural state within 6 to 8 weeks. A blend of peptides and lipids and botanicals such as ginseng makes RevitaLash the most famous and cult eyelash serum on the market. The main culprit of eyelash breakage and damage to natural eyelashes are inexpertly applied eyelash extensions. So do eyelash extensions make your lashes fall out? No, natural lashes shed every day, and the loss of 3 to 5 natural lashes a day is normal.

The full growth cycle of a single natural eyelash is approximately 90 days ± 5 days, depending on the person's genetics. What I would do is start using a growth serum while you still have your extensions so that your own lashes have a chance to grow. One of the problems that cause bad experiences with eyelash extensions is the lack of accreditation in the industry. I've always had relatively short eyelashes, but after putting on extensions for 3 years, the few I had are completely damaged with a couple of bald spots.

When it comes to safety, dermatologists compare eyelash extensions to acrylic nails; they're not necessarily good for your health, but they're not likely to cause serious health problems, so you may decide that the aesthetics of the extensions outweigh potential side effects (which usually include irritation, infection and allergic reactions). After having Diego and literally not even having time to brush my teeth, I left my eyelash extensions. So I didn't even wonder if my natural lashes were damaged, I just thought that it was normal for them to fall out and that as soon as I wanted to take a break, my normal lashes would be there waiting for me. I discovered that in the early stages of my eyelash growth, anything too heavy made me look like Tammy Faye Baker.

Magnetic lashes come in all types of lashes and in a few different colors, and they're not too expensive (but they're not as cheap as you might think). The result was great (I woke up with bangs full of eyelashes and went to work without putting on any makeup), but after a week I started to wake up with my pillowcase covered with eyelashes, both extensions and my own natural eyelashes. Below, two eyelash experts, a dermatologist and a plastic surgeon explain everything you need to know about eyelash extensions, from finding the right eyelash artist to the cost, risks, and everything in between. Estheticians are specifically trained in skin-oriented treatments, such as facials, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and, you guessed it, eyelash services.


Roxanne Fava
Roxanne Fava

Lifelong web maven. Certified tv fan. Incurable web aficionado. Passionate coffee evangelist. Hipster-friendly food junkie. General bacon buff.