Do lash extensions feel weird?

The extensions may seem to stick to your natural eyelashes. When the extensions stick to the natural eyelash, they should be applied smoothly and without signs of glue.

Do lash extensions feel weird?

The extensions may seem to stick to your natural eyelashes. When the extensions stick to the natural eyelash, they should be applied smoothly and without signs of glue. She explained that natural eyelashes fall out anyway as part of their growth cycle, so freaking out about an eyelash falling out with an extension isn't the end of the world. Fast work can mean that they didn't apply an extension to each tab or that they stacked a lot of tabs on the eyelashes, causing them to stick and stick together.

There's a reason why eyelash extensions are so popular: they give your face an incredible glow even without makeup.

Roxanne Fava
Roxanne Fava

Lifelong web maven. Certified tv fan. Incurable web aficionado. Passionate coffee evangelist. Hipster-friendly food junkie. General bacon buff.