What happens if you have an allergic reaction to eyelash extensions?

An allergic reaction to eyelash extensions can occur in one or both eyes. In both cases, it may be more severe in one eye than in the other.

What happens if you have an allergic reaction to eyelash extensions?

An allergic reaction to eyelash extensions can occur in one or both eyes. In both cases, it may be more severe in one eye than in the other. Typical symptoms include redness, itching, and swelling that occur in the eyelid or in the eye itself. On the danger scale, allergies to glue for eyelash extensions are at the bottom, but they can still cause extreme discomfort to the person suffering from it.

Normally, eyelash extensions accentuate the eyes with a natural and elegant design. However, some people may experience an allergic reaction to eyelash extensions under certain circumstances. If an allergic reaction occurs, an eyelash professional should immediately remove the eyelash extensions and the symptoms should be treated. Allergic reactions are rare, and experienced eyelash artists will ask their clients if they have any known allergies before administering treatment.

However, something unexpected can happen and people develop allergies at different stages of life, leading to unpleasant surprises. You've probably learned that glue for eyelash extensions heals by its reaction to moisture (specifically, cyanoacrylate does). However, if you're about to apply eyelash extensions to your client and they start showing signs of an allergic reaction, don't panic. While an eyelash extension reaction that causes irritation will go away, an allergic reaction gets worse over time.

Dealing with a client who experiences an allergic reaction to eyelash extensions can be one of the worst parts of being an eyelash artist. Cyanoacrylate is the main ingredient found in eyelash adhesive and ensures that eyelash extensions last as long as possible. Allergies to eyelash extensions can be triggered by the body's hypertensive reaction against any type of cosmetic product used by the eyelash technician. While a small percentage of customers develop an allergic reaction to glue for eyelash extensions, this allergy in and of itself is not particularly dangerous.

While some of the warning signs between an allergy to eyelash extensions and an irritation may be similar, there are a few key differences. Asako (left) and Naoko (right) are certified eyelash stylists and the owners of Divine Lashes, a site for eyelash lovers to meet and learn more about eyelash extensions and lifts. While you can never be 100% sure what type of allergy you're facing, without further research, there are three main causes that cause customers to experience allergies caused by eyelash extension glue. Therefore, people who are allergic to eyelash extension glue or any of its ingredients can often experience symptoms such as redness, swelling, swelling, and itching around the eyes.

Roxanne Fava
Roxanne Fava

Lifelong web maven. Certified tv fan. Incurable web aficionado. Passionate coffee evangelist. Hipster-friendly food junkie. General bacon buff.